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Event Report – GTI Consortium Symposium 2021

Wednesday December 15th, 2021

On December 9, the GTI Consortium Symposium 2021, for which Shibaura Institute of Technology serves as the secretariat, as in the previous year, was held online. The theme of the Symposium was "Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration for Workforce Expertise Development".


Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration for Workforce Expertise Development


We introduced our overall efforts based on the theme of “Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration for Workforce Expertise Development”. In the keynote address, Associate Professor Maria Antyasari of the Institut of Teknologi Sepulih Nopember (ITS) in Surabaya, Indonesia, one of the GTI member universities, spoke on the topic of "Industry-University-Government Collaboration at ITS". In addition, there were case study reports on how global PBL can be used to solve social issues through industry-academia-government collaboration, as well as on the participation of working adults in university programs and good practices in inter-university collaboration.

470 participants from 12 countries took part in the symposium. As in the previous year, there was a high level of interest among the participants. It was fruitful opportunities for all participants to deepen their comprehension of the activities of the GTI Consortium.



Video Delivery

The video recording of the GTI Consortium Symposium 2021 is now available at the following URL.


Keynote Address "Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration for Workfoce Expertise Development" Assoc. Prof. Maria Anityasari, Ph.D Director, ITS Global Engagement
gPBL Case Report1 "gPBL ITS-SIT-IHI"
gPBL Case Report2-1 "Case Study of ATU-Net Entrepreneurship Online Mobility Program" Prof. Hiroyuki Ishizaki, Shibaura Institute of Technology
gPBL Case Report2-2 "Case Study of ATU-Net Entrepreneurship Online Mobility Program" Mr. Lee Hunwoo, BOSCH Corporation
gPBL Case Report3-1 "Collaboration with Universities" Prof. Akihisa Kodate, Tsuda University
gPBL Case Report3-2 "Collaboration with Universities" Prof. Baorong Ni, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
gPBL Case Report3-3 "Collaboration with Universities" Prof. Shinya Fujii, Chuo University
gPBL Case Report3-4 "Collaboration with Universities" Prof. Takumi Miyoshi, Shibaura Institute of Technology